Home products Modeling Powder 900g

Modeling Powder 900g


Hobby modeling casting powder, for casting into molds and creating exterior or interior decorations. After drying and hardening, the cast is white and smooth, with superior plaster-like properties. A slightly porous and white appearance after drying, which you can further decorate, use as a napkin technique, paint with acrylic and chalk paints, highlight the relief with wax and antiquing pastes, etc.

7 in stock

SKU: CME-09165


Mix the powder with cold water in a ratio of 100g: 80ml of water and mix thoroughly (similarly to gypsum). Carefully pour the resulting mass into the mold. The hardening time is approx. 20-40 minutes – then you can remove the casting from the mold and let it harden for 1-2 days.


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