Home products Fineline crackle varnish 2 componets 50 ml set

Fineline crackle varnish 2 componets 50 ml set


Two-step crackle varnish for creating very fine cracks (Fineline crackle varnish set) and imitation of a porcelain appearance with cracks. This varnish is great for creating christmas decorations, easter eggs and creating a vintage effect.

6 in stock

SKU: CME-02794


Apply the first varnish component to the already decorated surface and, after it dries, the second component. During the drying of the second component, cracks will form, which you can accentuate by using a wax or antiquing paste, or patina by rubbing it into the surface. The line of the resulting cracks depends on the direction of brush strokes and the thickness of the applied components. The second layer of varnish is not waterproof, so the next day, cover it with Pentart varnish with water-soluble glue. For larger cracks, apply a thicker first layer and let it dry thoroughly. The package contains two containers of crackle varnish with a volume of 50ml each.


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