Creativa aside from brands like Pentart and Stamperia, we added the different acrylic ranges from Lukas Farben.

SYnthetic Brush sets from Art Asia and Arora are good to start and familiarize with acrylics. Creativa also sells the handmade brush collection from Rosemary & Co.

Another pride of Creativa, our stretched canvases and canvas rolls. Our own brand are artist quality, 100% cotton and reasonably affordable. In different shapes and sizes.

Palette & Easel
Also, Creativa has its own brand of table easels and stand easels. These table easels are perfect size to start painting with. Yet for artists who paints big, our stand easels are sturdy enough as well.

You can find different palettes; should you wish to use the disposable ones, tear-off paper palettes, plastic palettes and wooden palettes.
DToolbox, varnishes, primer and other acrylic mediums are available with us. Please visit our website for more acrylic painting materials you would need as you start your journey with this very easy to paint with medium yet limitless capabilities of extravagant masterpieces- ACRYLICS