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January 7, 2025

Six Must-Have Brushes in Acrylic Painting

Top 6 must-have brushes that you need to take you through acrylic painting, no matter what stage or level you’re at. Here are the most common and the most important brushes that will help you achieve your art goals when you are starting. I do believe that Artists will eventually learn to pick their favorite […]

Introduction to Water color Painting

Watercolor painting is a popular medium used by artists of all ages. It is commonly introduced in schools because it is accessible, relatively easy to work with, and offers a range of creative possibilities. The transparent nature of watercolor paints allows students to explore various artistic techniques, while its water-based properties make it safe and […]

Basic Acrylic Painting Set

Paints Creativa aside from brands like Pentart and Stamperia, we added the different acrylic ranges from Lukas Farben. Brushes SYnthetic Brush sets from Art Asia and Arora are good to start and familiarize with acrylics. Creativa also sells the handmade brush collection from Rosemary & Co. Canvas Another pride of Creativa, our stretched canvases and […]


Latest In Creativa Following our 10th year celebration this 2024, another milestone for Creativa is participating for the very first time in this prestigious gathering of stationery companies from all over the world, Creativa goes to Paperworld Middle East. Not only that we are able to showcase our brands like our very own Creativa canvases […]